first install desired theme like material or coffee roast.
Second install package resource viewer using package control.
Go to command palate (ctrl + shift + p) and search for "package resource view extarct"
Extract your appropriate theme.
Now go to preference > browse package.
open <theme>.sublime-theme
Search the color value which your side bar currently has.
In case of material theme color value is "38, 50, 56"
In first occurrence is look like
Select this color and type (ctrl + d) for all occurrence. and paste your desired color.
Here is the problem. You will find some theme don't use color for side bar. like coffee theme use background image.
In coffee theme it looks like
So in this case what you should do? delete the line and paste following line
Here rgb value is 38, 50, 56. change this rgb value to your favorite color
Second install package resource viewer using package control.
Go to command palate (ctrl + shift + p) and search for "package resource view extarct"
Extract your appropriate theme.
Now go to preference > browse package.
open <theme>
"layer0.tint": [38, 50, 56]
"layer0.texture": "Theme - Coffee/Dark Roast/sidebar-background.png".
"layer0.tint": [38, 50, 56].