Saturday, February 4, 2012

Paragraph of Eve-teasing

We boast to be civilised. But do the recent eve-teasing incidents prove us to be that? Recently a number of girls have been the victims of eve-teasing in Bangladesh. The unhappy and helpless girls are forced to commit suicide in a bid to end the mental pangs. They suffer as a result of perverts’ verbal and behavioral abuses. Now the question arises what goes on in the mind of eve-teasers and why do they eve-tease? If we can get their psychology, it will help us in devising preventive measures.
This kind of psychology is not accidental. It is made systematically through the socio-cultural machinery that we have. The vulgar sides of the dish culture and websites badly influence the young minds. Again our socio-economic imbalance is another cause for the birth of these eve-teasers. Therefore we have to take both psychological and social treatment for solving this problem. We have to mend up the society by infusing more civilised norms, preaching through education and collective exercise in practical life. Poverty should be eradicated from society and wealth gap among the citizens has to be minimised. There is no harm in making society open but it has to be protected with strict legislation. Strong awareness must be created among people against eve-teasers, so no eve-teasers get the chance to raise their head.

Md. Nourozur Rahaman
BCS(General Education)
Assistant Professor of English
Narayanganj Government Women’s College
   Examiner of National University                                             
  Contact:House No. GP(Ja)-96(Ground floor)
            Wireless Gate, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
         (Behind Hotel Zakaria, Madrasha Lane)
            Mobile: 01715376235 

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