Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to disable sidebar in KMPlayer / KM Player / KMP Player with Picture

Kmp is my favorite video player. It has nice interface. It is easy to use. I can easily pause/play video by pressing Space bar. By clicking number 1, 2, 3 I can easily resize its window. There is a pin button right side of the upper bar which has 3 options
 a) on top: always,
 b) on top: while playing,
 c) on top: never.
 It helps me much. I can enjoy video, at the same time I can browse internet and do other task. It has also 3d features. All most all video file played by kmplayer. It’s awesome. But recently I have faced some problem with KMPlayer. It is its sidebar. When I play a video file it opened with a Sidebar (If I connected with internet). It’s really boring

I search on web for solution and I get various techniques. Here is best way to get rid of sidebar.

1) First open Notepad with administrator access. Just right click on notepad and click run as administrator

2) To open the host file click file>open. And select hosts file from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc . To view hosts file when you browsing must click all files from right bottom corner dropdown list

3) Paste the following line bottom of the file

4) Press ctrl + s to save the file. That’s all

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